
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tightrope Walkers

I read this book review of A Sense of Direction: Pilgrimage for the Restless and the Hopeful by Gideon Lewis-Kraus in Outside magazine the other day. And I would like to get my hands on the book though I am curious if most of the message is right there in the review. But the ideas were interesting and struck a chord with this member of a young, overwhelmed-with-options generation. Matthew Power, the reviewer, describes a nonfiction account of a 20-something bashing around Europe overly conscious of creating an experience. Lewis-Kraus decides on a whim to hike the 500-mile pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela through Spain. Power writes, "He will exchange directionless choice for "pointless direction."It seems like Lewis-Kraus is self-deprecating enough to make the book humorous rather than pretentious. Anyway, I haven't even read the book, but you should and then tell me how it is!

Aren't adventure stories great this time of year? Or really, any time of year because there is something special about being burrowed in your bed during a wind-howling winter night while digging through Into Thin Air or Eiger Dreams. (And because I've brought up Jon Krakauer, you should know Dave is reading Under the Banner of Heaven which is a fascinating book about the history of the Mormon church and Mormon fundamentalism...he makes me want to do a reread).

But if you're in the mood for an adventure quick fix, you should watch this preview of a daring documentary:

I stumbled on it at this great blog A Cup of Jo. Make sure you watch until the end. The last minute may make you queasy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm always up for a good true-life adventure book. My personal favorites involve exploring Antarctica or the Poles, or climbing Everest. Me, who hates to be cold! You've given me a whole list of new books to add to my Amazon shopping cart!
