
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Do we run in libraries?

Well, it's official...I have moved and am squarely settled dead center in le Midwest. Correction: I am not close to "settled" here. However, the cogs are in motion. I am staying with a great childhood friend and her husband who have been so generous to host my bum self. And they are probably just as relieved as I that I am in the process of settling on a new apartment to rent. Aaaah. Things will shake out.

I started my job at an elementary school, and it couldn't be more different than my previous high school position. I don't recall any high schoolers ever asking for princess books or breaking out of their line to hug me whether or not they knew who I was or running (yes, running) across the library to beat their classmates to that certain book they wanted. Do you know how satisfying it is as a librarian to have to constantly remind my patrons they must not run for or fight over books? It was everything I could do at my old high school to get books checked out. Heck, I would have been happy if they snuck them out in their backpacks (I suspect there was very little of that) just as long as they read something. These kids, these elementary kids, are so darn eager they emit actual cries of excitement and genuine oohs and aaahs when they step through the library doors. It is the best feeling, let me tell you.

Please note: It has been a whirlwind of a couple months, but I hope to be back to posting more regularly soon. Now that Dave and I have shifted to a long distance scenario, I can no longer use his computer to post. I must, gulp, purchase my own laptop. The travesty! I don't enjoy spending a lot of dough on anything so I've been dragging my feet.

That being said I have had many literary events of recent which I'd like to discuss with you including finally reading The City of Ember and...joining a book club (in other words, entering a stage of adulthood usually reserved for ladies in their mid-40s). Oh, and I gave up on A Song of Ice and Fire (sorry, Winterfell. Your intriguing plot line was overshadowed by Martin's masochistic writing style, and I could no longer stomach it.).

Don't leave me faithful reader(s). Dare I hope for more than one? I promise more books soon.

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