
Saturday, August 4, 2012

New Job!

Somebody's looking out for me because (drumroll please...) I got a an elementary school. I took a risk, left my high school position in Boston town, and headed west, to the Midwest that is. And with a little luck, a lot of failed interviews, and the hard work of my great boyfriend Dave who continued to submit applications on my behalf while I galavanted around the woods with nary a care, I got a job. And it is at an elementary school! Be still my heart!

I need to flex my K-5 muscles. Criss cross applesauce? Line cutting? "I Lost a Tooth" congratulatory certificates? Bring it all on.

Also, I'm moving. To a new town. Alone. My mom and I took an exploratory trip there today to scout apartments. It started dismally but ended on a high note.

I am equal parts excited and terrified which is how I approach most things in my life. And there are, of course, 101 tasks to complete between now and my first day (3 short days from now). But I think I'll just find some new books to read and that should ease my anxiety.

What say you, Gone with the Wind? Shall we dance?
P.S. Please enjoy this photo montage of my younger days. This is what I still look like when sleeping...over 20 years later:
Also, look past the gut and note the call number and bar code on that book...a library patron from the get go. Start them young, folks!

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